Monday, October 29, 2007

Pace Projection Run: The results are in!

Yesterday, we held our first-ever pace projection run. Before we took off for our run, we asked each runner to write down how long he thought it would take to complete the uptown 4-mile route. Leaving their watches behind, they then shot to stick to their projected time. How'd they do? Here are the top three results:

1. Dario Banalotti*
Projected time: 30:00
Actual time: 30:42

2. Mike Caywood
Projected time: 38:00
Actual time: 36:22

3. Peter Murdock
Projected time: 34:00
Actual time: 31:50

*Quite an impressive feat for Dario, considering he came straight to the Urban Run from the Poland Spring Marathon Kickoff 5-miler in Central Park!

So, ya think you can do better than these guys? Join us for our next pace projection run next month! Date TBA.

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