Monday, November 12, 2007

It's cold! Ur-brrrr-an Run low down for 11/11/07

Hi all,

Joe Franza here reporting from the Urban Run Headquarters. :P

So, our in-house blogger and project lead, Sarah, is off to sunny Belize. Let's hope my post is, at least, half as interesting, articulate, and well written as hers...

Yep, it looks like we have transitioned from summer into winter almost overnight! Just when you thought you'd be gearing up to those pleasantly cool and breezy autumnal Urban Runs, the onset of nearly freezing temperatures caught you off guard!
Congrats to all the brave runners who fared the unseasonably cold wind this morning! Our uptown run was crowded and cheerful... and kudos to Eric for picking up on my attempt to cheat the runners into running 5 miles (as opposed to our usual 4).

For all of our Urban Runners who participated in last week's 2007 ING NEW YORK CITY MARATHON: Good Job! I know most of you are still enjoying your well deserved break; we look forward to hearing all about your marathon experiences.

On Tuesday 11/13 at 7pm we will meet at the Urban Run Office and will be heading downtown. The 4 mile group will turn around at Stuyvesant High, whereas the 8 mile group will continue down to the end of the runners path and run back on the promenade (you can't beat the view!).

Hope to see you all there!


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